Braden Harris

Height: 6'3" Weight: 223
Hometown: Gunnison, Utah 84634
Address: P.O. Box 853, Gunnison, Utah 84634
Phone: 435-528-3528 (home) 435-979-6509 (cell)

School: Gunnison Valley High School
Address: 35 East 600 South, Gunnison, Utah 84634
Phone: 435-528-7256
Team Mascot: Bulldog
GPA: 3.95

Football Coach: Yori Ludvigson
Phone: 435-773-7180 (cell) 435-528-7256 (office)

Sports played in High School: Football, Basketball and Baseball. Lettered in all 3 sports as a Freshman & Sophmore
Football Jersey's Number: #24-Freshman year #44-Sophmore & Junior years
Football Positions: Defense: Outside Linebacker, Defensive End
Offense - Tight End & Full Back

Highlight Films:

NCAA Clearinghouse I.D:1011315339

2011 National Underclassmen Football Combine

National Underclassmen Football Combine
Kearn High School 06/17/2011

Braden Harris won the Sophmore Overall MVP Award and the Line Backer MVP Award at the NUC Camp.  The NUC staff wrote:  "Braden is very Athletic and has great hips and is good in space"  Braden was invited to the Ultimate 100 Camp in California.  The was based on his performance at the NUC Camp in Kearns.